Sunday 12 April 2020

Emmanuel Kids 19th April

Family Worship @ Home Resource

for Sunday 19th April

This week for a change your worship resource comes not from me, but from a great friend of mine, Pippa Cant, with whose kind permission I am passing on her material "Keep Praying".  You can see more of Pippa's great work on her Facebook page 'Adventures in Colouring'.  Thank you Pippa!

Happy Sunday to you all!  Kate xx

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Lego Easter Challenge

My friend Ruth has given me this wonderful Lego resource
Each day read a bit from the bible account of Easter and make a model to show the story.  

Sunday 5 April PALM SUNDAY

Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey Matthew 21:1-11

suggestions; Palm trees, crowds, leaves, donkey, cloaks?, arches of a town to enter…

Monday 6 April

The Last Supper and Judas betraying Jesus Luke 22:1-23 

suggestions; table, cups, bread, 12 disciples, money?

Tuesday 7 April

Jesus prays and is arrested.  Luke 22:39-53

suggestions; garden scene, night time, soldiers, swords, handcuffs

Wednesday 8 April

Peter denies Jesus, cock crows Luke 22:54-62

suggestions; chicken, girl, fire, courtyard of houses, Peter

Thursday 9 April MAUNDY THURSDAY

Pilate addresses the crowd who call for Barrabbas to be freed Luke 23:1-25

suggestions; Pilate in royal robes, wash basin, crowd, Jesus, prisoner- handcuffs

Friday 10 April GOOD FRIDAY 

the crucifixion of Jesus and the thieves Luke 26-49

suggestions; 3 crosses-? sticks, green hill, soldiers, Jesus, 2 thieves, women

Saturday 11 April EASTER EVE

Jesus is buried in the tomb Luke 23:50-56

suggestions; make a cave like tomb, bed, cloths, soldiers, cave stone to seal, flowers,

Sunday 12 April EASTER DAY

The women visit the empty tomb Luke 24 1-12  

suggestions; make a cave, cloths, women, 2 men like angels

Monday 13 April  EASTER MONDAY

The road to Emmaus Luke 24:13-33

suggestions; 2 travellers, road, house, table, bread and wine,

Easter Day Emmanuel Kids

Easter Day

How many chocolate eggs have you eaten already?
I LOVE chocolate!!!
But today isn't actually about that.  Its about this ...

Getting ready - you will need:

means for playing music and/or watching YouTube videos
Bible if you have one
small Easter eggs and spoons for an egg & spoon race
craft supplies

Opening prayer

Say together:

Alleluia!  He is risen!
He is risen indeed!


(you'll need an air guitar for the middle bit!)
Good News

same song with actions

Activity - egg and spoon race

Have you been given any Easter eggs you could use for an egg and spoon race?  Plan out your route carefully so everyone knows which way to go. Maybe make it an obstacle egg and spoon race?

Bible Story - The Resurrection

Read one or more of
Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24 and John 20
Use if you don't have a Bible


1. You'll need one person to read out the script if there is a non-reader in your family


Think about

What is the most amazing thing you have ever seen?  Make a list of all the amazing things that between you, you have seen, with the most amazing at the top.  Where on your list would the following things fit in order of amazingness?

* tightrope walking cross the Grand Canyon
* strong man pulling an airoplane
* Jumpy the parkour dog

Now think about what the women saw on Easter morning
An angel!  And Jesus, alive again!
Surely that is the most amazing thing anyone has ever seen!
Put it top of your list


Here are some images you can take inspiration from to create your own Easter Day picture

or search Google Images for "Easter Jesus craft" and see what takes your fancy.
There are also loads of colouring sheets, word-searches, etc all waiting to be discovered on Google


Use the talking stick (see Top Tips for Prayer) to take it in turns to pray.
Praise Jesus and thank him for his death and resurrection, for Easter day, for all he has done for us, .... and for chocolate!

Worship to close

Top Tips for Prayer

* Start with short easy prayers and pass the talking stick round to help you know whose turn it is.
          (e.g. Dear God, please help me when I am upset.  Amen)
* decide in your mind what your prayer is going to be before you start passing the talking stick around.  That way you won't get flustered
* if a child isn't sure how to pray suggest a prayer for them and get them to repeat after you
          (e.g. Dear God .... please help me .... when I'm scared of the dark .... Amen)

Good Friday Emmanuel Kids

Good Friday

I think today is the most special day of the year.  Its a day we remember a very sad moment, but without that sad moment we would not have life with God.  Something sad brought us something very good.  Today is a day to be sad and cry, but also to be grateful!

Getting ready - you will need:

means for playing music and/or watching YouTube videos
Bible if you have one
printer if you have one
paper, pens, scissors, glue

Opening prayer

Say together:

Jesus, on this day
I am very sad
Be with me as I think
About the price you paid



Credit Pippa Cant

Bible Story - Good Friday

Read Luke 22:47-23:56 
You can find it here if you don't have a bible at home

Further Bible Reading

Have a look at the Additional Resources section at the bottom of this page

Think about

Do you think Jesus dying was good news?  Talk about what Jesus' death means to you.



* If you have a printer, print the A4 page below.  If not can you recreate the pictures in your own artistic way?
* Colour the pictures and then cut out the squares.
* arrange the squares on a separate sheet of paper and stick them down to form the shape of a cross. (see example to the left)
* Can you get the pictures in the right order for the Easter story?  Maybe retell the story to each other taking it in turns to do a square.

Further Activities

For other Good Friday activities see below under Additional Resources

Silent Prayer

* Talk to Jesus privately in your heart
* Maybe lie down while you pray
* Close your eyes and imagine you are talking to Jesus face to face
* Maybe have this music on in the background

Worship to close

If you want to stay quiet, lie down and listen to this:

If you want a lively song to celebrate the amazing hero that Jesus is use
Same song with actions

Further Bible Reading

Compare the Good Friday story in the 4 different gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

You can also watch more Easter videos here
(they contain the Sunday bit of the story too)
1. 11rkjEsNb21oa&index=6

Further Activities

1. Word Search

2. Wood Work

Could you make a cross out of wood & string?  If you have large enough pieces of wood, could you hammer nails in to show where Jesus was nailed up by his hands & feet.  Maybe even attach a sign at the top above where his head would go, saying 'Jesus King of the Jews'.

3. Easter garden

Top Tips for Prayer

* Start with short easy prayers and pass the talking stick round to help you know whose turn it is.
          (e.g. Dear God, please help me when I am upset.  Amen)
* decide in your mind what your prayer is going to be before you start passing the talking stick around.  That way you won't get flustered
* if a child isn't sure how to pray suggest a prayer for them and get them to repeat after you
          (e.g. Dear God .... please help me .... when I'm scared of the dark .... Amen)

Maundy Thursday Emmanuel Kids

Maundy Thursday

Today is a special day in the Christian calendar.
Today we remember the Last Supper.
But, to really get into it, there is a much bigger story.
So why not turn your evening into a night for story telling?
Get comfortable, get ready, for a story that spans thousands of years!

Getting ready - you will need:

Bible if you have one
means to watch YouTube videos

The Back Story

Read aloud:

The story today is of the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples.  We remember this meal every time we take Holy Communion.

But when Jesus got together with his disciples, they weren't just having any old evening meal together.
This was a festival day!  A special meal.  A meal you ate only once a year.  This meal was "the Passover"!

Passover was a once a year celebration of what God did way back near the beginning of the Bible.  It was God's great rescue plan to get his people out of slavery in Egypt, and take them into their own land where they could worship God freely.


You could also read about God rescuing his people in
Exodus 7:14 to Exodus 12:51

Bible Story - Last Supper

So now you know the back story, read the Last Supper story in
Luke 22: 7-23
You can find it here if you don't have a bible at home

Or watch the story of the Last Supper here

Things to notice

Read aloud

* In Exodus, God's people were saved from slavery by the blood of a lamb
* Jesus is called the Lamb of God. He shed his blood on the cross to save us from slavery to sin.  

* In Exodus, the lamb died so God's people didn't have to.
* The punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23).  Jesus died so that we don't have to.  

* The Passover is a massively important meal, reminding the Jews of God's rescue from Egypt.
* Holy Communion is a massively important meal, reminding Christians of God's great rescue through Jesus.

* The Passover was a foreshadowing of things to come.  Over a thousand years before hand, it was already pointing people to their need to be rescued from death by the blood of a sacrifice.
* At Easter Jesus fulfilled the sign that was the Passover.

Celebrate together

How can you celebrate this story together tonight?

Want to learn more?

At the last supper Jesus taught his disciples many things.  
To learn what he taught watch

Thursday 2 April 2020

Emmanuel Kids Church Sunday 5th April

Palm Sunday

As I write these resources, I am doing so with families in mind.  However, that's not to say that you can't adapt these ideas to help you worship if you live alone, or are a group of adults who are young at heart.  However you use this material, may God bless you this weekend xx

Getting ready - you will need:

means for playing music and/or watching YouTube videos
paper, pencils, pens, scissors, glue or sticky tape & a lollypop stick, drinking straw or pencil
Bible if you have one
Craft supplies (choice of three crafts)
1. paper & pens
2. paper, pens, wooden pegs
3. paper plate, craft paper, scissors, glue, pens or googly eyes

A starter

Do you know what the word 'hosanna' means?  It comes up in today's story but is a word that was used in the Old Testament too.  Discuss what you think it means?

  1. The Hebrew word that we translate as hosanna was first used in the Bible to mean "Save us, please!"
  2. then it started to be used to mean "Salvation!  Thank you!"
  3. and later was used as an exclamation of praise
For more info read 

Opening prayer

Stand in a circle.
Turn to face around the circle.
Lay your hands on the shoulders of the person in front of you and pray:

Holy Spirit
please fill [name] today.


If you are with other people, split into 2 teams.
Every one starts this song crouching down.
Team A stand up to sing
"King of Kings & Lord of Lords"
while Team B stays crouched
Team B then stand up to sing
"Glory Hallelujah!"
While Team A go back down again.
Repeat this pattern throughout the song

Once you've got the hang of the lyrics, try singing it without the video, going faster and faster each time 😂

or use a different song of your choice.
There a also list of other worship suggestions at the bottom of this page.

Activity - Let's play parade

Lets play at having a parade!  Take it in turns to be the person who is parading.  You can be yourself or pretend to be someone famous (maybe dress up!).  Tell the 'crowd' who you are and set off on your parade.  Everyone else, line the 'streets' and cheer for the parading person.  Wave hats, shout out how amazing they are, maybe try and get an autograph.  Which of you can be the loudest fan?

Craft - palm leaves

draw around your hand on paper (any colour will do)
cut the shape out
stick it to a lollypop stick / pencil / drinking straw / wooden spoon
you can make your palm frond as leafy as you like

Bible Story - Palm Sunday

Read Luke 19:28-40 
You can find it here if you don't have a bible at home


Can you act out the story?
Take some time to gather props & costumes.
Remember you'll need coats to lay on the road for Jesus to walk on.
Decide who is going to play who.
Use the hand/palm leaves you made, to wave in the Jesus parade

Further Bible Reading

For those of you who want to study the bible more, why not look under Further Bible Reading at the  bottom of this page?


I'm a bit over-enthusiastic about donkey related crafts, so here is a choice of 3 for you

  • Donkey Foot craft
Draw around your foot and follow this picture →
to help you turn it into a donkey's face  

  • Peg Donkey
Draw the outline of a donkeys' body & head (use card or stiff paper if you have any) and use pegs for the legs

  • Paper plate donkey
use paper plate, craft paper and googly eyes, if you have, them to create a donkeys face


Do you know the game: "I went on holiday and in my suitcase I put"? It goes like this ...
Player 1: "I went on holiday and in my suitcase I put ... a pair of sunglasses"
Player 2: "I went on holiday and in my suitcase I put ... a pair of sunglasses and my passport"
Player 3: "I went on holiday and in my suitcase I put ... a pair of sunglasses, my passport and suntan lotion"

Lets play a praise version!
Player 1: "Praise God!  He is ... an amazing creator.  Amen"
Player 2: "Praise God!  He is ... an amazing creator and wonderful friend.  Amen"
Player 3: "Praise God!  He is ... an amazing creator, wonderful friend and my saviour.  Amen"

How long can you keep the praise circle going
Remember!  You aren't just playing a game.  You are speaking out praises to God - who He is, what He has done, what He does and still will do!

Worship to close

Song Suggestions

You can also find a load of actions uploaded on my Youtube channel

Further Bible Reading

Compare the Palm Sunday story in the 4 different gospels
Matthew 21:1-11
Mark 11:1-11
Luke 19:28-44
John 12:12-26
Also look up Zechariah 9:9 (this bit of the Bible was written 518 years before Jesus was born!)

What differences do you notice?  Why do you think they are there?
What one thing strikes you most in what you have read?
Have you got any questions you'd like to ask about this story?
What is God saying to you today?

Top Tips for Prayer

* Start with short easy prayers and pass the talking stick round to help you know whose turn it is.
          (e.g. Dear God, please help me when I am upset.  Amen)
* decide in your mind what your prayer is going to be before you start passing the talking stick around.  That way you won't get flustered
* if a child isn't sure how to pray suggest a prayer for them and get them to repeat after you
          (e.g. Dear God .... please help me .... when I'm scared of the dark .... Amen)